The Business Code
Business is a game… learn how to play it!
The Business Code
The Business Code provides a comprehensive solution to elevate your success to its pinnacle by harmonising your man luck (Business Coaching), earth luck (Feng Shui), and heaven luck (Astrology) – collectively known as your cosmic trinity. Whether you’re launching a new venture, managing an existing business, or aiming to enhance your wealth, we are here to turn your aspirations into reality.
In the realm of Chinese metaphysics, our life’s journey is shaped by three interconnected yet distinct forces: Heaven Luck, Earth Luck, and Man Luck. The cosmic trinity philosophy posits that destiny is a product of these three factors, with Man Luck being causal, Earth Luck representing the circumstances we create, and Heaven Luck reflecting the life themes we navigate.
By comprehending the significance of these three lucks and aligning your energy with their principles, you have the power to profoundly alter the trajectory of your life. Choosing a path in harmony with these forces allows you to embark on a journey towards realising your true, actualised self.
Heaven Luck
The influence of Heaven Luck comes from the heavens and is also known as the Cosmic or Universal Qi. This is both the mental and physical blueprint that you inherited at birth. It is the potential you have as an individual and is based on three factors: genetics and therefore your susceptibility to certain illness; astrology: the planetary influence that shape your personality and previous karma (past life).
Earth Luck
Earth Luck represents the environmental influences that affect your everyday life. This includes the influence of land forms, weather changes, magnetic poles, geopathic stress, colour, shapes, architecture of buildings and many other earthly energies. Earth Luck is determined by;
- The state of the world at the time of incarnation – world peace or war?
- Prosperity and political climate of the country you were born in
- Feng Shui of the home and work environment
Your Feng Shui and therefore the buildings you live and work in, reflect your Heaven and Man Luck.
Man Luck
This is the most important of all influencers and is determined by how charitable you are, self-education and what you think, do and believe. Your mindset and self-worth is the cause of what you attract in your life.