Form and Compass School Feng Shui

Form School feng shui is the analysis of natural features that surround your property such as trees, hills, mountains, rivers and lakes. It also includes other buildings, walls, fences and roads. When conducting a feng shui audit land topography is a critical factor such as land contour, shape of land, mountain forms and pathways to the property and what we in feng shui terms call the four celestial animals. The roots of Compass School come from the I Ching (The Book of Changes). This method goes back thousands of years in Asia for the purpose of divination, philosophy, mathematics, Confucianism, Taoism, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Astrology and Numerology. It has influenced Asian culture profoundly as it holds the secrets of the Universe, in particularly, the laws and forces which govern nature. A critical element to Compass School is dividing the property into nine compass sectors. This forms the foundation of a feng shui analysis of a property.
Another element to feng shui is understanding Qi. “The most fundamental law of the Universe is that everything is made up of Qi. However, no English word can adequately capture the meaning of Qi, for it is not matter nor is it energy, but rather matter on the verge of becoming energy or energy at the point of materialising.”(Nicole Bijslma) There are two types of Qi. Positive and negative. Qi can either bring beneficial energy to a site or in its negative manifestation it has the potential to cause harm.
According to the Compass School, a building can be divided into eight sectors based on the compass directions. The ninth sector is the Tai Qi area, which is the centre of the building.
Each sector has different characteristics and influences different life aspects. Depending on the location of each sector will depend on the condition of each life aspect. Once each sector of the property is ascertained, it is then that you can create change within your life by shifting the energies of each room to be in accordance to the principles of feng shui.
Each compass sector influences the following life aspects:
- Career
- Family relationships and health
- Wealth and abundance
- Fame, reputation and respect
- Marriage and partnerships
- Children, dreams and plans
- Helpful people and support
- Knowledge and self-awareness